File Builder

Some workflow actions allow configuration of the specific output to include for that action.  This allows an administrator to choose to send an entire package into that workflow process, or maybe only a small part of the output to a specific system.  For each location where the File Builder is invoked you will see

Click the File Type dropdown to choose from the following options:

  1. Form ONLY (*) - Just output the form.  If the form is PDF, this will just be the populated PDF form.  If the form is HTML you must enable the Form Option "Attach image of HTML forms on submit" (see Form Options on the Edit Form page)  in order to receive an image here.
  2. Form Data XML (*) - Output the XML data for each of the fields on this form
  3. Form Data PDF (*) - Output the data for each of the fields on this form as a PDF document
  4. Form Data Tagged (*) - Output the data for each of the fields on this form as a text document collection of name/value pairs
  5. All Attachments - Output all file attachments
  6. Attachments of Type (*) - Output only file attachments of the specified type
  7. Form + Tagged (*) - Output 1 & 4
  8. Form + XML (*) - Output 1 & 2
  9. Form + XML + Signatures (*) - Output 1 & 2 and a PDF of the signatures on this document
  10. Form + XML + Signatures + All Attachments (*) - Output 9 & 5
  11. All Forms + XML + Signatures + All Attachments - Output 9 & 5 for every form in this package
  12. Form + Signatures + XML + All Attachments + Tagged (*) - Output 10 & 4

For each of the output options with an * next to it, you must specify which form you would like to output as well.  To choose the form, first select the file type from the list above, then the form drop-down list will appear:

In this example, I choose the Form Data PDF option, then selected a W-4 form.  After this click + ADD to add the file type to the file builder:

Repeat this process as many times as need to specify each output option you need for your workflow process