Write to (S)FTP

The (S)FTP Workflow task can be configured with String Builder values for Server, Port, Username and Password.  If you are going to use this for SFTP, however, you must to get the SSH fingerprint value.  In the example below, we show retrieving this information using the WinSCP client.  That client can be downloaded here:


Once there, add the SFTP server, port (22 by default) username and password and log in.

Once connected you can click on Server/Protocol Information under the Session menu:

This will provide you with the SSH-RSA fingerprint for your site in the form "ssh-rsa 2048 aa:11:aa:11:aa:11:aa:11:aa:11:aa:11:aa:11:aa:11"

Paste this fingerprint into a String Builder static text item on the Write to SFTP configuration page