OnBase Workflow Configuration

This workflow configuration allows posting directly to an OnBase system through the Unity Integration Toolkit API.

OnBase App Server - this String Builder value is the OnBase server URL for the AppServer.  In a default OnBase installation, this is something like https://myserver.com/AppServer/Service.asmx.

OnBase App Server DataSource - this String Builder value is the OnBase data source as it is named on the App Server.  

OnBase User - this String Builder value is the OnBase user that will be logging in.  Check the box to use Active Directory user instead.  That would then be the application pool user of the Forms inMotion server instance.

OnBase Password - this String Builder value is the OnBase password for the login

Once you have configured your connection to the OnBase system and clicked the save icon on the toolbar, you can continue with the configuration.

  1. Click this to add mapping to additional document types.  The default configuration screen already has 1 blank one created.
  2. Use this String Builder value to specify an OnBase doctype number to map to OR
  3. Use this String Builder value to specify an OnBase doctype by name to map to
  4. This File Builder section is where you choose the files to write into the OnBase system
  5. Use this button to add additional keyword type mappings.  The default configuration screen already has 1 blank one created
  6. Use this String Builder to specify the source value for the keyword
  7. Use this String Builder to specify the name of the OnBase keyword type into which the value created in item #6 will be written

Make sure you click the save button on the toolbar after you make changes

If you are importing the Forms inMotion XML into OnBase and plan to do some downstream processing of the full XML content in workflow, here's a sample Unity Script to get you started (Sample OnBase Workflow Script)