Mail Distribution UI

The purpose of the Mail Distribution UI is to give Administrators a means to view, troubleshoot, edit, resend, and in worst case scenarios recover failed email contents.


  1. Settings: Click to pull up connection settings (API Key and Url are required)

    1. 1) API Key: This can be found inside the FiM DB → dbo.instances → externalid

    2. 2) API Url: this can be found in the FiM site property dsitributionserverpath

    3. 3) click to switch between light and dark mode

    4. 4) enable Mail Distribution UI console logging

  2. Manually refresh message list

  3. Create a new email

  4. Click to sort based on date

  5. Select to filter based on message status

    1. Any: All messages

    2. Failed: Failed messages

    3. Queued: Messages inline for send attempt

    4. Scheduled: Messages that have attempted and failed a send attempt and are waiting to try again

    5. Sending: Messages actively being sent

    6. Sent: Messages that have been sent

  6. Edit: This option becomes available when a failed or sent message is selected and will allow the user to edit the message (such as changing the smtpserver and credentials) and then resend.

  7. Click on a message to pull up more detailed information.


Note to recover attachments click on a message then click on the attachment links to download.