Setting up SMTP

Forms inMotion requires email to send out new user creation messages with temporary passwords.  SMTP is also a component in workflow.  This is configured by setting up a few site variables in the administration panel of the client. 

  1. Once you're logged in with administrator permissions, click the gear icon on the top navigation menu.
  2. Select settings.
  3. On the site settings menu, click the new site property button
  4. On the new property popup, create properties for the following:

    1. smtpserver
    2. smtppassword
    3. smtpfrom
    4. smtpport
    5. smtpuser
  5. Once the properties are created, click on the property value column for each one and enter SMTP settings necessary for your server.  The minimum required settings are smtpserver, smtpport and smtpfrom.  SMTP will not work without these 3 configured.  smtpuser and smtppassword may not be required in some instances.

SMTP settings vary widely from server to server and SMTP servers are often behind a firewall.  The easiest way we've found to get this running fast is to use a 3rd party service.  One we've had luck with is