Instance Management

Forms inMotion uses a multi-tenant (instance) database.  Use the Instance Management tool to add additional instances and assign instance administrator permissions to existing users

Creating an Instance

  1. Run the Instance Management app
  2. Use the same Connection String from the Server's web.config file click Connect
  3. Click "Create New Instance"
  4. This will create a new instance and launch you to the Licensing Page for that instance.  Enter a customer name and supply that to support or Stuart and enter the provided license key.  Activation Key is not needed.

Instance Administrators

For a new instance, you will also need to make a new administrator user.  This can also be done in the Instance Managment tool.

  1. Select your newly created instance by clicking on the instance number
  2. Click the "Create New User" button
  3. Fill out the user information popup.
  4. Reselect your newly created instance by clicking on the instance number AGAIN
  5. Click "Set Instance Admins"
  6. Check your newly created user and click OK to give them administrator permissions

For a newly configured AD Environment skip steps 1-3 and instead login with your AD credentials to create your FIM account.