Updating to Version 2018 Server Requires .config Changes

  1. We changed how we named internal components with the last server version.  If you're doing an inplace upgrade of an existing Forms inMotion server prior to version 18, you will need to replace this line in your web.config file:
    <section name="formsinMotionConfiguration" type="KeyMark.Forms.Settings.FormsinMotionConfiguration, FormsBuilderServer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"/>

    with the following one.  The version number is not important, but FormsBuilderServer must be replaced with KeyMark.Forms.FormsinMotionServer.

    <section name="formsinMotionConfiguration" type="KeyMark.Forms.Settings.FormsinMotionConfiguration, KeyMark.Forms.FormsinMotionServer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"/>
  2. The email section is no longer supported in the web.config file and should be removed entirely:
    <email smtpserver="smtp.sendgrid.net" smtpport="25" smtpuser="blah" smtppass="blah" smtpsenderaddress="fim-support@formsinmotion.com"/>