Field Mapping

Field mapping is one of the cornerstone features of Forms inMotion and allows a user to map data back and forth from form fields, user properties, site-wide properties and more to assist in filling out forms.  Here is just part of the configured mappings for an HR employee onboarding process

Mapping List Page

  1. The Source Statement shows where the value for this field mapping is coming FROM.  In the first example, you can see a String Builder collection showing the field "firstName" from the "Start Here" form is appended to a static text SPACE character is appended to the "middleName" field from the "Start Here" form.  You can really mix and match source values however you need to make your mappings work
  2. This is the form name for the destination form
  3. This is the field name for the destination field
  4. The trashcan icon permanently deletes a mapping
  5. This edits the mapping on this row
  6. This will go through all forms in this package and automatically map fields of the same name to those that appear later in the package.  So a field called "firstname" on the first form in a package would automatically be mapped to a field called "firstname" on the fifth form in a package, but not the other way around.
  7. This will launch the edit field mapping window for a newly created mapping

Mapping Edit Page

  1. Choose the destination form first
  2. Choose the destination field
  3. Choose the items for your source.  Click the String Builder article for more information about working with a String Builder source.