Creating fillable PDFs in Adobe Acrobat

If your PDF files are not fillable, follow these instructions.

These instructions apply to Adobe Acrobat 2018. For other versions of Acrobat, these instructions may not be 100% accurate, but will give you an idea of the general process.


Step-by-step guide

  1. Open the PDF file.
  2. Click the “Forms” menu, then “Edit Forms in Acrobat”.  This will open a Forms toolbar.

  3. Choose the icon with the “T” Add Text, the rope and zone the area where you want a new text field.  The name that you give the field will display in Forms InMotion when you are using the field mapping interface.

  4. The “Preview” button in the Forms toolbar allows you to see where all the form field are to make sure you didn’t forget one.

  5. You can use the other buttons (i.e. radio button, checkboxes, etc…) where appropriate. For signature fields, the name that you use for the field will display to the user when they are signing the document.